Going back home... But the work doesn't stop!

So, our project faced a few challenges since our last post. Covid-19 pandemic has caused that our group is no longer stationed in Federal Institute of Goiás. Beatriz went back to her town: Vila Velha in Espírito Santo, Nelson to Itumbiara and Hannes had to go back to Finland and Carla to Portugal. Now we are trying to figure out a way to do this project by telecommuting and having some thousands of kilometers and time difference(Carla +3h and Hannes +5h) between us. We have our own discord channel and different tools to make this project happen.

There are some problems that telecommuting and quarantine brings. We can't visit Senador Canedo and see the town and talk to local people with disabilities. We are trying to get in contact with these people and anxiously waiting them to respond because that will give us valuable information.


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