
Showing posts from 2020


Here's the Goodbye video that Team 2gether made to you, guys. We will miss you a lot! 💓💓 The video was too big, and we could not upload it in here... But hope you all enjoy it! 😅

Delivery - Final Presentation + Prototypes

Hello!! Here is Team 2gether presentation for our Demoday, on May,14 2020. Portuguese Presentation English Presentation And... The link below will send you to our prototype's folder. We have in there all flyers, videos and content that we will talk about in our presentation. FOLDER - PROTOTYPES Fingers crossed for next thursday!! 🤞🤞 

Week 9

This week our objective was to make final adjustments to our creations and make a good powerpoint presentation to tell about it to our counterparts. Here are some pictures of our work. Also, Ademar with help of his family created a video to show how our Interactive Screen is going to work. Here it is:

Week 8

We just finished our eighth week and it was sooo cool!! Team 2gether spent the week finishing some details to our pitch presentation to our counterparts on April, 30.  Here are some videos and images we prepared to present. Screen with SiMRmtc technology with vocalization of information 3D project of Ademar de Barros model Street for people with disabilities and reduced mobility Ideas to our Educational Program Part 1 Part 2 And we had our presentations! It was awesome see all other team's projects and we had a really beautiful moment. This is going to keep in memory for years! In the next two weeks, our final weeks in the Lapassion project, we'll be talking with our counterparts and discussing about what to improve in our project. We still have a lot of work to do! We are looking forward to our Demoday. It is going to be amazing!

Weeks 6 and 7

We are late but here is our weekly report! Our week 6 was a little difficult, because Ademar and I (Beatriz) were sick. Despite this, team 2gether continued its work. At that time, we decided that Rua Ademar de Barros, in Jardim de Todos os Santos - Senador Canedo, would inspire us to create our model street, after all, it was decided in our meeting with the counterparts that we would create an ideal street prototype, to make it an example for urban mobility in Senador Canedo. Here is a visualization of the street we are working on. We did research on how to make a street accessible, and found several booklets prepared by City Halls from all over Brazil, which provide information on sidewalks, wheelchair ramps and tactile floors. There are also the notebooks of the "Brasil Acessível - Programa Brasileiro de Mobilidade Urbana (Accessible Brazil - Brazilian Urban Mobility Program)" developed by the National Secretariat for Transport and Urban Mobility, and vol...

To remember later!!

Hi followers! How are you today? Team 2gether never stop working in the Lapassion project. Here some great moments that passed with our team.

Report 1 - Meeting with counterparts

Report 1 Meeting with counterparts April 14, 2020 On April 14, 2020 at 10 am (Brasília time, GMT-3), the meeting began to present the Lapassion project of the Team 2gether to the counterparts. All members of the team 2gether were present at the meeting, as well as one of our tutors, Neemias, and Pedro, Edisberto and André representing Senador Canedo's Municipal Traffic and Transport Secretariat and Victor were present on behalf of the Municipal Secretary of Education and Culture of Senador Canedo. The project's theme is "Use of technologies to improve urban mobility for people with specific needs". During the week before the presentation of the project to the counterparts, a video was prepared, summarizing all the work done by Team 2gether to date. This video addresses the main reason for choosing our solution to solve some of the urban mobility problems that large cities face. Thus, the proposal of the team focuses on improving existing bus stops in the c...

Week 5!

In this fifth week, our team made another brainstorming to decide which project would finaly be presented to our counterparts. With information obtained by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the mentoring of our tutor, we decided to focus on creating our project with a solution to help urban mobility of visually impaired people , which are the most numerous in the cities of Goiânia and Senador Canedo. Our idea was to make improvements to bus stops in the city to help people with visual impairments , so we soon started putting together our presentation and creating our 3D model. Another task of the week was to decide who would be the leader in each of the last weeks of the Lapassion project. Our team made the sorted by video call on whatsapp and, as you can see in the picture below, Nelson was chosen to be the leader in our last week at Lapassion!!

Presentation to the Counterparts - English Video

Hi! This is our english version of presentation to the counterparts. This video has subtitles in English (USA) for people with hearing impairment. Therefore, to activate it, just click on the video tool option and select the mentioned caption option.

Presentation to the Counterparts - Portuguese Video

Hi! Here is Team 2gether's presentation to our counterparts. This video is all in portuguese, and also has portuguese subtitles to people with hearing impairment. To activate the subtitle, just click on the video tool option and select "Português (Brasil)".

Week 4 - Part 2

Also in our fourth week, we decided that it would be necessary to collect the opinion of people with specific needs about their way of life and also their greatest difficulties when they need to get around in their citys. After all, we are developing our project using the Design Thinking methodology, and we need to create empathy with the people to who our project will be aimed. So it is VERY important to listen to their opinions. So, here are the interviews that we made.

Week 4 - Part 1

In our fourth week on the Lapassion program, Team 2gether did a lot of research about technologies already created to help people with specific needs in their urban mobility. We found technologies used worldwide and also those used in the metropolitan public transport region of Goiânia, better known as RMTC Goiânia. All this new knowledge was necessary to give us information about what already exists and also to evaluate what we could develop for our project. Here are some technologies we found. 1. Acessmap 4 2. GuiadeRodas App   3. Kimap 4. Be My Eyes 5. CittaMobi 6. Acessible SiMRmtc

WorkingPlan - Weeks 1 to 3

We created this video to show all our work in these last weeks. Work never stops! Lapassion@Goiânia 2020

3rd Week!

Last week we were on our 3rd week and the work never stopped!! Some of what we were doing... We tryed to organize the ideas, so we did this Mind Map as a tool to help us.

Going back home... But the work doesn't stop!

So, our project faced a few challenges since our last post. Covid-19 pandemic has caused that our group is no longer stationed in Federal Institute of Goiás. Beatriz went back to her town: Vila Velha in Espírito Santo, Nelson to Itumbiara and Hannes had to go back to Finland and Carla to Portugal. Now we are trying to figure out a way to do this project by telecommuting and having some thousands of kilometers and time difference(Carla +3h and Hannes +5h) between us. We have our own discord channel and different tools to make this project happen. There are some problems that telecommuting and quarantine brings. We can't visit Senador Canedo and see the town and talk to local people with disabilities. We are trying to get in contact with these people and anxiously waiting them to respond because that will give us valuable information.

2nd Week...

Our second week was very sad, as we received the news that we would have to return to our homes due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Despite that, we had some really cool moments too! At the beginning of the week, we had Audio-Visual Training, and we took lots of cool pictures to work with the new things we learned about photography. We also created the Empathy Maps of our personas, which would help us to understand them a little more. Here they are.